Comunidades Unidas has decided to partake in International Workers Day 2022 with a call to action to highlight the labor and work of our undocumented community. Our goal is to bring awareness to the folks who are forgotten when it comes to giving thanks for building this country. Undocu Immigrants across the United States have never stepped away from their labor, we witnessed it clearly in the midst of COVID-19. That is why on International Workers day we want to not only thank but also applaud and recognize those individuals that have worked continuously to keep the U.S. alive. Farm Workers, Construction Workers, Dwellers, Manufactures, Restaurant/Food services, miscellaneous production workers and more. We want to recognize the work that immigrants continue to be in the forefront of this country and contribute so much and demand that the Biden Administration recognizes it as well! They are worth more than their labor and we won't rest until justice is done. #LIVES OVER LABOR
Immigrants are an essential part of our country; they’re our friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Most of us can agree that to live a good life, we should be able to provide for our families, put food on the table, see a doctor to stay healthy, and go to work without fear of being separated from our families. For millions of undocumented immigrants, that vision of life is still not a reality.
Immigrants enrich this nation. May Day, International Workers Day, serves as a reminder that immigrant labor, while essential, is only one of the many ways immigrant communities contribute to this nation. Not only will their economic impact be felt this May Day, but so will the strength of their perseverance to be seen as human beings who deserve nothing less than a pathway to citizenship
On May Day, we urge President Biden to act to deliver relief to undocumented immigrants living in the US. President Biden can use his executive power to stop deportations and granted undocumented immigrants the basic human right of creating a pathway to citizenship.
POTUS must act boldly and swiftly. We must remind POTUS that creating a just and fair immigration system is possible–he just needs the courage to make it a reality.
Voters want permanent solutions for undocumented immigrants. President Biden must now do what he has the power to do via executive action: end deportations, end police-ICE agreements, close detention centers and create a PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP.
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To whom it may concern,
May 1st is International Workers’ Day and on this day we want to highlight the labor and work of our undocumented community. International Workers Day serves as a reminder that immigrant labor, while essential, it's only one of the many ways immigrant communities contribute to this nation. Not only will their economic impact be felt this May Day, but so will the strength of their perseverance to be seen.
Immigrants are essential to Utah’s Workforce! 1 in 9 immigrants in Utah’s workforce is undocumented and the top three industries in Utah with the highest number of immigrants working are infrastructure, manufacturing, and accommodation/food services.
On this May Day, we urge President Biden to also recognize the hard work of undocumented immigrants and utilize his executive power to create permanent solutions for the undocumented community.