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Promotoras are trusted community leaders, usually belonging to the community they serve, who understand and tailor to the unique needs of their community. They are individual and community advocates who offer culturally appropriate education, navigation assistance, referrals and resources, informal counseling and guidance on health behaviors,  and other services.


Promotoras, also known as Community Health Workers (CHWs), emerged from a model from Latin America that reached the United States during the 1960’s to ensure the wellbeing of underserved communities. The name “Promotoras” is kept to honor the indispensable culture and history of its origin. Promotoras apply to both male and female community workers.


Promotoras are an essential key to Comunidades Unidas’ work and success. They founded the organization in 1999 and they continue to be at the forefront of our community efforts. They are the community leaders and spokespeople of the organization. They are essential to all programs in the organization as they work to empower their own communities. Their role is to serve as cultural bridges between community organizations, government agencies, and Utah’s population who need access to different services in providing them with reliable and understandable resources. As a result, promotoras yield a unique service to the community in overcoming many cultural barriers, helping to increase the health, education, and resourcefulness of their community.


Promotoras meet twice a month where we discuss issues facing our community and provide potential solutions.

The meetings are the first and third Tuesday of the month, from 6-8 pm at Comunidades Unidas’ office.

Contact: Cecilia Figueroa, Promotora Coordinator or 801-487-4143

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